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Mara: “Me Time” Matters

In our ongoing series, Transformation Stories, Mara explains how health coaching helped her understand how to make herself a priority.

Q: What transformation, if any, have you experienced?

A: Aside from a physical transformation (minus 55 pounds, and still going), I have changed my life. I now realize the value of making healthy choices, prioritizing my own health needs, and that maintaining my health is not as hard as everyone makes it out to be. I used to think that self-care was cliché and “not for me,” but now I am totally into it and even try to inspire my students to practice self-care whenever possible.

Q: What inspired you to seek out health coaching?

A: I knew for years that my weight was a big problem, and I always told myself I would keep trying, but I only realize now how uninformed and half-hearted my “efforts” were. This past summer, something clicked and made me realize I had to take serious action. I knew I needed help. This was an area of my life where I did not know what I was doing. My initial call with MaryAnn reassured me that I had found someone who could help me on my journey.

Q: What were your expectations? What surprised you about the process?

A: I suppose I thought it would be all about food choices; however, it turns out that is where I needed the least help. What I didn’t realize was how emotional the process would be for me in the beginning. Each week, MaryAnn guided our conversations in a way that helped me focus on the progress I was making rather than the negative feelings I was experiencing for having let my health get so out of control. I always finished our sessions feeling better. The level of catharsis involved in these sessions was surprising to me. What was also surprising to me was the comfort I felt. My weight was not something that I was comfortable speaking about out loud with anyone.

Q: What have you found most valuable about your health coaching sessions?

A: Setting aside 30 minutes each week just for me. I considered our meeting times sacred, and, for the first time in my life, truly prioritized myself.

Mary Oliver quote
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